Joint ResearchNEWSNotice
BioBank Japan’s advertisement “The surprising biobank discovery in Japan that led to a unique brain atlas” highlighting its collaboration with the Brain Bank for Aging Research (BBAR) at the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Geriatrics and Gerontology for the brain atlas project was published in the online edition of the international scientific journal Nature 2 October 2024 issue. The article was featured as part of Nature‘s special Neuroscience section in the Nature Index.
From the BBJ, Professor Yukinori Okada (University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Medicine) and director of the BBJ, Professor Koichi Matsuda (University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences) talked about the BBAJ.
The advertisement “The surprising biobank discovery in Japan that led to a unique brain atlas”:
Top page of the Nature‘s special Neuroscience section in the Nature Index:
BioBank Japan PR
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