BBJ is strengthening the foundation for data-driven research to elucidate life phenomena by leveraging advances in information science and large-scale data analysis, which have rapidly evolved in recent years. Through genomic and omics research, BBJ promotes joint research initiatives, industry-academia collaborations, and inter-academia partnerships to accelerate scientific discovery. Additionally, we aim to enhance data utilization to further advance genomic medicine, personalized medicine, and disease prevention.
Joint Research with BBJ
Brain Biobank Atlas Japan (BBAJ) – BioBank Japan(BBJ) and the Brain Bank for Aging Research(BBAR) to build a brain atlas of the Japanese population
In this study, in collaboration with the Brain Bank for Aging Research (BBAR) , established at the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology, the research group aims to create a brain atlas of the Japanese population to better understand and overcome cerebral neurological diseases such as dementia and schizophrenia. Some donors were found to be registered in both BBJ and BBAR, allowing the research group to access invaluable resources, including human nervous system tissue samples, various imaging data, clinical and pathological information from BBAR, as well as DNA/serum samples and clinical and prognostic data from BBJ. By leveraging third-generation analytical techniques and other advanced technologies, BBAJ seeks to gain a comprehensive understanding of the molecular biological processes and mechanisms underlying cerebral neurological diseases in the Japanese population, mapping disease-related factors in greater detail.
疾患コホート研究ネットワークによる疾患マーカー探索研究(Study for Disease Markers Search Conducted by the Disease Cohort Research Network)
In this study, we conduct follow-up surveys of patients who participated in the “Project for Realization of Tailor-made Medicine (Phases 1 and 2)” spanning from 2003 to 2012, as well as the “Program for Realization of Tailor-made Medicine (Phase 3)” from 2013 to 2017. The data collected from these surveys is shared with BioBank Japan at the Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo. Moreover, in our pursuit of tailored treatment for each patient, we collaborate with medical institutions, universities, and private companies to conduct genome analysis and biomarker research using these samples and associated information.
がん治療成績の把握、患者の治療説明での活用を目的とした がん累積再発曲線を描画する簡易ノモグラムツールの開発(Development of a Simple Nomogram Tool to Draw a Cumulative Cancer Recurrence Curve for Use in Understanding Cancer Treatment Outcomes and Explaining Treatment to Patients.)
Exploratory research on factors related to disease onset, severity, and prognosis is conducted using clinical information provided by BBJ and a system including distributed, highly secure storage built by several companies, including the AI Hospital Group, to conduct AI analysis, etc.
Nightingale Health Japan (thereafter refer to NHJ) “Large-Scale Serum Metabolome Analysis Conducted Jointly with BBJ”
<Press release article excerpts> Nightingale Health Japan (NHJ) conducts large-scale metabolome analysis (comprehensive analysis of metabolite types and concentrations for all metabolites (metabolome)) on up to 650,000 serum samples provided by BBJ. This is expected to lead to the development of medical research. In a single analysis, 250 biomarkers are measured in individual serum samples. This analytical study will determine, among other things, whether the effects of dietary habits, lifestyle habits, and genetic background differ between the Japanese and people in other parts of the world in various diseases. The results of this research have already shown that the disease risk prediction method that NHJ has constructed based on data from Westerners is also applicable to Japanese, and the results have been implemented in society as an optional test in physical examinations (My Nightingale: see note). BBJ and NHJ hope to further develop the results for personalized medicine and disease prevention through the long-term continuation of this joint research.
The University of Tokyo and Google Collaborate on Research about AI-Based Polygenic Risk Score Model -Aiming to Contribute to the Development of Disease Management and Preventive Medicine in Japan)
The University of Tokyo and Google Japan have signed an agreement to collaborate on AI-based Polygenic Risk Score (PRS) model research. This collaboration is part of the partnership between the University of Tokyo and Google, which was signed in October 2020, with the aim of solving various social issues and realizing a future society in which AI and people can coexist in harmony.