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About BBJ


Patient and Public Involvement/Engagement (PPI/E) in medical research has increasingly been prevalent in Europe and the United States, which incorporates the perspectives of patients and the public at various stages of research from planning to evaluation after the completion of research.
BioBank Japan has been working on PPI by employing patients and citizens as committee members to serve on the Working Group for Future Planning of BBJ and other organizations. In these committees, BBJ have received opinions from not only researchers but also patients and citizens from various perspectives, and have discussed the research and future plans and policies of BioBank Japan.
In addition, we have also held BioBank tours and opinion-exchange meetings for patients and citizens.


2024.2.168 members including students and professor from Seishin Gakuen Hight School in Ibaraki Prefecture visited the BBJ Bank Storage Facilities.
2024.2.3The Comemorative Symposium of BioBank Japan’s 20th Anniversary was held online.
2023.11.24Fifteen people from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including the Deputy Minister of Health, visited Biobank Japan.

For more information on BBJ’s PPI/E-related activities, see “Events” and “Tours” in the News section.

Outside Links related to PPI/E