News News

For Researchers

Usage Fees for BioSample and Data

For Private Companies
Clinical InformationGenomic Data*Fees

(subject to limit)
Clinical information, excluding age, gender, and disease name (for a single disease), is subject to a limit on the number of items provided. If the limit is exceeded, it may be available within a joint research framework with BBJ. Genome data can be accessed and downloaded through NBDC free of charge.
Genome data can be accessed and downloaded through NBDC free of charge
Genome data can be accessed and downloaded through NBDC free of charge

Serum Panel. Provides aliquoted serum (100µL) for multiple diseases for screening and other applications.

(subject to limit)
(provided within a framework of joint research with BBJ)

For researchers in universities and other acacemic research institutions, the fee half of the above are applied. If the analysis data derived from the research is intended for public release or provide to BBJ to contribute to the digitization of BBJ, the utilization of samples and data may be granted free of charge (subject to certain conditions and screening).
In addition, samples and data can also be used in the form of “joint research” with the BBJ, but the conditions must be met.

Overview of Samples and Data Collections

Joint Research / Collaboration with BBJ