NEWSPress Release
[Press Release] Largest study in Japan on the association between mosaic chromosomal alterations and rheumatoid arthritis
Research results utilizing the research resources of BioBank Japan (BBJ) have been published in Annals of the […]
Talk Event: “Sharon F. Terry Discusses the Journey and Future of Patient and Public Involvement in Research” (Recorded video is available until the end of November!)
A recorded video of the talk event “Sharon F. Terry Discusses the Journey and Future of Patient and Publ […]
Sharon F. Terry, President and CEO of Genetic Alliance toured the DNA and serum sample storage facilities
Sharon F. Terry, President and CEO of Genetic Alliance in the USA, visited BioBank Japan (BBJ) on Tuesday, Oct […]
NEWSPress Release
[Press Release]Population-specific putative causal variants shape quantitative traits: Insights from the largest genomic study in a non-European population
Research results using samples and information from BioBank Japan (BBJ) have been published in the online edit […]
Joint ResearchNEWSNotice
Brain atlas project collaborating with BBAR was featured in Nature Index: Neuroscience Advertisement Feature
BioBank Japan’s advertisement “The surprising biobank discovery in Japan that led to a unique brain atla […]
Joint ResearchNEWSPress Release
[Press Release] Identification of susceptibility loci associated with pelvic organ prolapse in Japanese women
Research results using samples and information from BioBank Japan (BBJ) have been published in the online edit […]
NEWSPress Release
[Press Release] PRS x Machine learning reveals: associations between genetic risk and preventive effects in lifestyle-related diseases
Research results using samples and information from BioBank Japan (BBJ) have been published in the online edit […]
Joint ResearchNEWSTour
Two researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA, visited BBJ and toured the DNA and serum sample storage facilities
Associate Professor Paul O’Reilly and Dr. Clive Hoggart, the specialists in statistical genetics from th […]
New PR brochure ‘Welcome to BioBank Japan!’ became available
The PR brochure ‘Welcome to Biobank Japan’ has been published with updates for the first time in six years. Th […]
NEWSPress Release
[Press Release] Developed a new software scLinaX for quantifying relative gene expression from the inactivated X chromosome with single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data
Research results on escape from X chromosome inactivation (XCI) conducted by Yoshihiko Tomofuji at Osaka Unive […]