NEWSPress Release
[Press Release]Germline variants and mosaic chromosomal alterations affect COVID-19 vaccine immunogenicity
Research results utilizing the research resources of BioBank Japan (BBJ) have been published in Cell Genomics. […]
NEWSPress Release
[Press Release] Genetic mutations risked of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders discovered - both germline and somatic mutations are involved
Research results utilizing the research resources of BioBank Japan (BBJ) have been published in Cell Genomics. […]
NEWSPress Release
[Press Release] Largest study in Japan on the association between mosaic chromosomal alterations and rheumatoid arthritis
Research results utilizing the research resources of BioBank Japan (BBJ) have been published in Annals of the […]
NEWSPress Release
[Press Release] Polygenic risk score and lung adenocarcinoma risk among never-smokers by EGFR mutation status-a brief report
Research results utilizing the research resources of BioBank Japan (BBJ) have been published in Journal of Tho […]
Dr. Zigang Dong, Academic Vice President of Zhengzhou University visited BBJ and toured the sample storage facilities
Dr. Zigang Dong, Academic Vice President of the Zhengzhou University in China, accompanied by Dr. Johji Inazaw […]
Joint ResearchNEWSPress Release
[Press Release] The genetic and phenotypic diversity of present-day Japanese people —the genetic legacy left by ancient hunter-gatherer Jomon to modern humans
Research results utilizing the research resources of BioBank Japan (BBJ) have been published in the internatio […]
[Event information] Symposium “Nanopore × Environmental and Health Genomics” (11/15 Fri.)
The symposium ‘Nanopore x Environmental and Health Genomics’ will be held on 15 November (Fri), hosted by the […]
Talk Event: “Sharon F. Terry Discusses the Journey and Future of Patient and Public Involvement in Research” (Recorded video is available until the end of November!)
A recorded video of the talk event “Sharon F. Terry Discusses the Journey and Future of Patient and Publ […]
Sharon F. Terry, President and CEO of Genetic Alliance toured the DNA and serum sample storage facilities
Sharon F. Terry, President and CEO of Genetic Alliance in the USA, visited BioBank Japan (BBJ) on Tuesday, Oct […]
Joint ResearchNEWSPress Release
[Press Release] Inconsistent embryo selection across polygenic score methods
Research results utilizing the samples and information of BioBank Japan (BBJ) have been published in the inter […]